VIVA LA DERBY! Podcast - Episode #5

In Japanese, the word for the number five is Go. And that's what we're doing. VIVA LA DERBY! is in full effect for Episode 5. Big Kahuna and De-Nominator welcome back Psychlone Cilla and they get into all the derby goodness you can handle. This show is bigger than BK's waistline. Over 2 hours of Australian Roller Derby jammed hard into your ear holes.

We have the usual shout outs, bout recaps, upcoming events, and Big Pimpin'. We also have a very cool chat with Crunch Lady Doris from Victorian Roller Derby League as she tells us a bit about VRDL's upcoming boot camp and bout with the original Flat Track roller derby league; Texas Roller Girls.

We announce the winner of our Spank Alley Bling and Busted Bling competion and provide some more details about our derbyskates.com.au Vanilla Brass Knuckles giveaway and drop some knowledge on another prize to go along with it.

Episode#5 of VIVA LA DERBY! is the radness.

Big Pimpin
Victorian Roller Derby League
Tickets for VRDL vs TXRG
Spank Alley Bling 
Busted Bling
Penergy's kickass movie Star Cross'd Jammers
Ghost Points Tees 

Do you like VIVA LA DERBY!? Do you wear clothes?

If you answered yes to either of these questions then have we got a Wicked deal for you. It's the first ever VIVA LA DERBY! and clothes super team up.  We're bringing podcasting and garments together and are now selling our own swag through Wicked Skatewear.  You can get our Logo on a  BLACK or WHITE tee and our Retro Special Edition RUN VLD shirt. 

Guaranteed to make you at least 37% cooler and 68% more appealing to the opposite sex. Or not. Whatever flicks your switch. These shirts go both ways.

If you want to support Austrlalia's no.1 Roller Derby Podcast, get yourself a cool shirt at the same time and you got yourself one of those "I killed two birds once when I was stoned" scenarios.

You can download this episode directly by right clicking on the link below and choosing “Save Link As”. Or simply use the embedded player to listen to it in your browser.  If you download through iTunes don't forget to rate and review.  

VIVA LA DERBY! Episode#5 

Photo: Janis Job-em  - WIRD Steel City Derby Dolls @ ERRD Round 2 Day 1 20110625 by Captain Shutterspeed(Kim Lee) @ Roaring Storm Photography

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