VIVA LA DERBY! Episode 19 - 2012 In A Delorean

Episode 19 of VIVALADERBY! has the whole crew get into a delorean, hit the flux capacitor and get that bitch up  to 88mph and goes back through all of the derby that was in 2012.  We talk about best derby memory, best bout of 2012, best skaters of the year, and what we're looking forward to in 2013.  We announce a brand new HUGE competition to win some skates from www.derbyskates.com.au. This is a fun one.  Get it inside you.


Do you like VIVA LA DERBY!? Do you wear clothes?  What better way to show your loved ones you love them than with a VIVA LA DERBY Shirt?

If you answered yes to either of these questions then have we got a wicked deal for you. It's the VIVA LA DERBY! and clothes super team up. We're bringing podcasting and garments together and are now selling our own swag through our very own store.

Guaranteed to make you at least 37% cooler and 68% more appealing to the opposite sex. Or not. Whatever flicks your switch. These shirts go both ways.

If you want to support Austrlalia's no.1 Roller Derby Podcast, get yourself a cool shirt at the same time and you got yourself one of those "I killed two birds once when I was stoned" scenarios.

You can download this episode directly by right clicking on the link below and choosing “Save Link As”. Or simply use the embedded player to listen to it in your browser. If you download through iTunes don't forget to rate and review.

Dowload that good shit HERE. 

This episodes badass photo was taken by the man with the sexiest legs in roller derby; Storm Jury of Photographic Storm @ Rollercon Down Under 2012.


VLD SUPER FUN HAPPY TIME! - Bro Time with Announcers.

It's bro time on VIVALADERBY! Super Fun Happy Time. Recorded live at Rollercon Downunder, it is our first ever sausage fest episode. BK and Mic Riot  sit down with Bob Noxious, Honest Dave and Mike Mann to discuss announcing, sports and a big chat about the new WFTDA playoff structure.

Listen in and have a super fun happy time too.

You can download this episode directly by right clicking on the link below and choosing “Save Link As”. Or simply use the embedded player to listen to it in your browser. If you download through iTunes don't forget to rate and review.